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Holy Ghost Catholic Primary School

Contact Us

Contact Details: 

Holy Ghost Catholic Primary School;

Nightingale Square

SW12 8QJ

Telephone:  020 8673 3080

Email: office@holyghost.wandsworth.sch.uk


To contact the school for routine matters, the Executive Head -Mr Brading, the Head of School - Mrs Murphy, or the teachers please email: office@holyghost.wandsworth.sch.uk


Our school SENCO: senco@holyghost.wandsworth.sch.uk

Our School Business Manager: sbm@holyghost.wandsworth.sch.uk

Our Administrative Officers, Mrs Rich or Miss Ryszko: office@holyghost.wandsworth.sch.uk


Our school Office hours are 8.15am - 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.


If you request a paper copy of the information provide on our school website, it will be provided free of charge.