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Holy Ghost Catholic Primary School


Art is a vital part of the curriculum at Holy Ghost. It allows the children to communicate their thoughts and ideas in a variety of ways and provides an ideal outlet for their creativity and imagination.

Art lessons harness this creativity and are designed to deliver the skills and knowledge needed for the children to make progress in their learning.

Our programme of study ensures that their art skills and knowledge are built upon year on year over the course of their education. This approach enables the children to gain an enjoyment and love for the subject, as well as ensuring that our curriculum is aligned with the aims of the national curriculum.


 How are Knowledge and skills and developed? 

  • Generating ideas and using sketchbooks: taking inspiration from a range of artists
  • Making: developing drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, mixed media, craft techniques and sculpture skills
  • Formal elements: exploring colour, form, line, pattern, shape, texture and tone
  • Knowledge of artists: discovering artists' work and techniques
  • Evaluation: critiquing their own work and that of others

Curriculum Overview for Art