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Holy Ghost Catholic Primary School


At Holy Ghost, we strive to provide every child with the opportunity to develop their computing skills in a progressively structured learning environment in order to achieve their full potential and prepare them for our technological world.

Our curriculum  focuses and builds upon the three core aspects of Computing; Digital Literacy, Computer Science, and Information Technology. 

We also aim to provide ongoing training opportunities for staff to develop their own computing skills to ensure a smooth transition in the use of computers and software, along with using technology as a form of communication between all stakeholders in the school community.

Teaching and Learning

At Holy Ghost we believe that the characteristics of high quality teaching and learning of Computing are:

  • Setting suitable learning challenges for all pupils
  • Responding to pupil’s diverse learning needs and prior knowledge.
  • Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils.
  • Using Computing to access all areas of the curriculum through the use of iPads and Chrome books. Working closely to share skills among staff to ensure a well-planned and confidently delivered curriculum.
  • Ensuring there is a comprehensive approach to online safety.

Computing Programme of Study