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Holy Ghost Catholic Primary School


Teaching and Learning History at Holy Ghost Catholic Primary School -

Inspired by living in a historically rich city, pupils arrive to Holy Ghost with a thirst for learning and a desire to build their historical knowledge. They are eager to learn about significant individuals and events and the transformation of their local area throughout time.

Enquiry Based Learning

History at Holy Ghost Catholic School is underpinned by an enquiry-based approach to learning which supports the development of pupils’ knowledge and historical enquiry. At the beginning of each topic, pupils will be introduced to the enquiry question and this will be referenced throughout the sequence of learning. Pupils develop an understanding of big concepts within the discipline of History, allowing them to ‘think like a Historian.’ These concepts will connect and build upon each other and have been tracked throughout our curriculum. By the end of their time with us, pupils will have developed a sound chronological narrative and be able to articulate key historical concepts.

How we teach History

In weekly history lessons, children will develop a balance of knowledge and skills through a carefully sequenced unit of work to allow for progression in their understanding and application of history. Throughout their time at Holy Ghost, children will develop an understanding of local, national and world history. We hope that by engaging with their own life experiences, studying significant individuals and delving deeper into challenging concepts such as historical interpretation children will have strong sense of themselves in this modern and diverse world.

We teach history as a discrete subject and recognise the importance of doing so but allow for meaningful and purposeful cross-curricular learning where appropriate. All learning is enhanced through the careful selection of a range of texts and enrichment activities, which include making use of the wealth of experiences London has to offer. The needs of all children, including those with SEND, are met through effective quality first teaching which is personalised. 

Throughout the lesson, teachers continually monitor pupils’ understanding to address any misconceptions or scaffold pupils’ learning where necessary. Written and verbal, pupils’ are given targeted and whole class feedback so they are able to understand their progress in history and improve their work. Teachers use evidence in the books (responses to the enquiry-question where necessary), observations and discussions to assess pupils’ progress in this subject.

Class Trips

We try to build in exciting experiences for the children throughout their time at Holy Ghost. We do this through making the most of the wealth of museums and venues that London has to offer that help to make the children’s learning relevant and memorable.


Curriculum Overview for History 2024-2025