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Holy Ghost Catholic Primary School

School Building Fund

Holy Ghost is a Voluntary Aided (VA) school, which means that our grounds and buildings are only partly funded by the Local Education Authority.

The government requires all Catholic and other faith schools in England to provide 10% of these costs.

As a voluntary aided school, the governors are responsible for the maintenance and improvement of the site and premises.  Unlike non-denominational schools, we do not receive full financial assistance for this type of work.  We have relied heavily on the Friends’ Fund for the major projects that have taken place here – from the completion of our “astroturf” projects on the back playground, and on the main playground, the creation of the “Learning Lab” and “Splat” and development of our Reception building. None of these improvements would have been possible without this help.

There are many demands and priorities for the school building and grounds and the more parent contributors we receive, the more we can do to enhance the school facilities for your child.

If every family in the school were to make a donation of £120 per year, then the School would have an income of over £17,000 to carry on the work of maintaining and improving the buildings.  However it is important to stress that this is an entirely voluntary contribution.  Some families may be able to afford more than this amount, and some less.  Any contribution will be gratefully received.

Holy Ghost Friends Standing Order and Gift Aid Form