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Holy Ghost Catholic Primary School


Attendance Matters

Attendance and punctuality are very important at Holy Ghost.   Regular attendance is paramount for our children to be able to achieve their best both academically and in forming and maintaining friendships.  Our attendance target is for each child to have a minimum level of attendance of at least 97% (5 days absence across the whole school year).  We understand that children will suffer from illnesses across the year, however regular poor attendance can have a detrimental effect.

We monitor attendance on a regular basis at school and communicate with parents at the end of each term where there are concerns.

Take a look at the attendance ladder.  Are you staying ‘in the green’?

Notifying School of Absence

IllnessIf your child is ill you must contact school before  8:45am on each day of your child’s absence, either by email or telephone, and giving the reason for absence.  Following registers closing at 9:15am the school office contacts any families who have not notified an absence.  For absence of more than 3 days medical evidence may be requested.

Absence Requests Medical Routine Medical and Dental appointments should be made outside of school hours.  Requests for absence for specialist clinics during school hours should be made using the request form available below and on the school website under the Parents Information tab.  Two weeks notice is required where possible. Please attach evidence of appointment e.g. letter, screenshot etc.

Absence Requests Exceptional Circumstances—Absence requests for exceptional circumstances are granted at the discretion of the headteacher.  At Holy Ghost School, it is a policy of the Governing Body that absence for family holidays in term time is generally not authorised, and especially not on either side of a school holiday.  Two weeks notice is required where possible.

Absence Request Form

Punctuality and Late Arrivals

Registration takes place at 8:55am. Pupils who arrive after this time will be marked as late.

Pupils who arrive after 8:55am should enter via the front gate and  go straight to the school office to sign in and give a reason for their lateness.

It is vital that pupils sign in at the office to ensure that appropriate health and safety regulations are followed and that all pupils are accounted for required where possible.

Pupils who arrive after 9:15am will be marked as absent for the morning session.

School Actions for Absence

95% - 100% Attendance  -  Well done, your on track to meet the end of year target of 97% 

90% - 94.9% Attendance

If attendance falls between 90% and 94.9%, at the end of each term letters will be sent to parents notifying them of current attendance.  We understand that illness is unavoidable and wish to work with parents to get attendance back on track to meet target by end of the school year. 

 <90% Attendance

This is known as Persistent Absenteeism.  We will write to parents every 6-8weeks notifying them of the current attendance.  These cases will be referred to the Educational Welfare Officer for follow -up. 

School Actions for  Punctuality /Late Arrivals

If a child has been late five times or more in a term a letter will be sent to the parents requesting that the situation be addressed. Where a child continues to be late, the parents will be invited to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss how punctuality could be improved.